Videomapping by Mihai Eminescu Statue


Location: Ateneul Român – statuia lui Mihai Eminescu  

Artist: Les Ateliers Nomad / MONUMENT for – Direcția Generală de Arhitectură Peisagistică și       Monumente de For Public

The statue of Mihai Eminescu comes to life in a sound and colour show created by Les Ateliers Nomad within the program “Living Statues”, a campaign launched by MONUMENT for which proposes to highlight the emblematic monuments of the city through a series of artistic reactivations. The play of lights gives shape to a magical space where the audience can listen to famous poems by Eminescu, which the poet himself seems to be reciting.


MONUMENT for – the General Direction of Landscape Architecture and Public Monuments administer the monumental heritage of Bucharest, a institution founded in 1999, whose objectives and preoccupations make it unique on a national level, with a developing professional structure, meeting the needs of a town which keeps changing. The mission of MONUMENT for is to turn every monument into a story which contributes to the identity of Bucharest and of its residents.