Videomapping on the monumental Iuliu Maniu Ensemble


Location: Piaţa Revoluţiei – Ansamblul monumental Iuliu Maniu 

Artist: Les Ateliers Nomad / MONUMENT for – Direcția Generală de Arhitectură Peisagistică și       Monumente de For Public

Upon the anniversary of 150 years since the birth of the great political figure, the monumental ensemble Iuliu Maniu in Revolution Square is brought to life with a show of light and colour show created by Les Ateliers Nomad within the program “Living Statues”, a campaign launched by MONUMENT for which proposes to highlight the emblematic monuments of the city through a series of artistic reactivations. 

On the LED near the statuary group, the public is invited to find out information about the life and achievements of the great statesman Iuliu Maniu, presented in a dynamic graphic collage.


MONUMENT for – the General Direction of Landscape Architecture and Public Monuments administer the monumental heritage of Bucharest, a institution founded in 1999, whose objectives and preoccupations make it unique on a national level, with a developing professional structure, meeting the needs of a town which keeps changing. The mission of MONUMENT for is to turn every monument into a story which contributes to the identity of Bucharest and of its residents.