2. Angel Radios | Cercul Militar Național

Angel Radios 3


Location: Cercul Militar Național

Artist: Mihai Popescu

The Angel Radios installation is an immersive art experience that takes visitors beyond the conventional boundaries of visual art. The centerpiece consists of three light installations in the shape of angels, each 6 meters high, which react sensorially to visitors’ touch and combine light, technology and metaphor to explore themes of transcendental communication and faith. The angels’ wings, made from either recycled materials or 3D printed, contribute to an atmosphere that invites to introspection. The installation challenges participants to discover their own voice and become part of the story, in an artistic dialogue about the sacred, origins and the unseen forces that govern our existence.

Mihai Popescu is co-founder and the creative mind behind Twins Studio, through which he designs successful locations in Romania and around the world. He is the winner of multiple national and international design competitions, including Restaurant and Bar Design Award London (World’s Best Bar 2015), Big See Awards, or SIT Awards. With Twins Studio, Mihai gives life to ideas by creating inspiring places that prevail in attention to details, keeping its philosophy oriented towards public space, and his perpetual wish is to share projects with a larger community.